Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity in your workforce can mean different abilities, races, ethnicities, cultures, genders, ages, experiences, and backgrounds. Leveraging and engaging what makes your employees unique creates an inclusive and team-oriented work environment.

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Inclusion Employer Guide

An overview for employers seeking to attract, develop and retain a racially and
ethnically diverse workforce is available from CareerForce.

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Hidden Bias in the Workplace

Workplace bias results in exclusion of members of the workforce from experiences and opportunities for which they are qualified and prevent businesses from leveraging the talents and perspectives of all members of their workforce. Utilize resources to identify biases in your recruiting, hiring, and retention strategies.

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People with disabilities in the workforce

Discover the advantages of hiring people with disabilities and learn about the accommodations your organization can make for a welcoming workplace. Productive Alternatives is a regional nonprofit human services agency with expertise and resources to share.


Generations in the Workforce

There are 5 generations in the workforce today! Each generation requires that your organization think about the diverse needs of your workforce from youth entering the workforce to experienced employees nearing retirement.


Remote Worker Engagement

With a surge in remote and virtual work during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, staying engaged with remote employees requires innovative strategies.

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Veterans and Workers with a Criminal Record

Both untapped populations for potential talent, veterans and individuals with a criminal record present unique considerations when hiring and during employment.

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